Monday, September 17, 2018

A Little Bit of Stella Love

Hello again. I know it has been a while, sorry, life was happening and then I got . . . stalled. Anyhow, I'm back, and there are more pictures of Stella!

Where Stella was fairly brown when we brought her home, she is getting darker again. When she is really brushed down and clean she sometimes looks like the BLM might have been right when they labeled her "black." Usually though she is now just a dark bay. And her white flecks are growing more and more numerous and have spread to her cheeks and the top of her back.

Stella goes out and walks around with us in the mornings. This weekend I upped her distance from .70 miles to a full mile. Most days we walk that distance twice a day, so she is getting in two miles of walking most days. Mondays and Wednesdays are the exceptions, since there is a horse riding class at the stable those evenings. After Stella dragged me across the gravel because of those students I now just stay in stall and love on her. Not that she complains much about the extra love and attention. Love from Raven, love from Mom, love from me, she really doesn't care as long as whoever is in the stall with her is petting and loving on her and giving her attention.

Stella loves getting pet and scratched so much that there are those days where I think she would really prefer to just get loved on and not go out walking. I don't think she would ever turn down going out to the grass pasture though, she loves her grass, and since she only gets to go out to pasture if she goes walking first, she is willing to walk with us.

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